Monday, June 9, 2008

Trip to Puerto Viejo

We arrived late Friday night in Puerto Viejo and stayed in a little motel for the night. Saturday morning, before leaving for our final destination, we went snorkeling. This time we were in the Carribean Sea and were able to see a coral reef along with tropical fish. I did not find this snorkeling trip to be as successful as the trip in the Pacific in the Osa. After snorkeling, we were provided snacks and allowed to rest on the beach and walk around a National Park. In just a short amount of time we were able to discover white-faced monkeys, a 3-fingered sloth, and a yellow-eyelash viper. Seeing these three creatures were all very exciting because it was the first time seeign the sloth and snake and because we were able to get very close in observing them. After a short boat ride back to the mainland, we were provided lunch. Soon after, we boarded the bus to depart for our final destination in Cahiuta, Costa Rica.

When we arrive in the early afternoon on Saturday, I spent almost my entire time either on the beach or in the hotels pool. During our stay, all meals were provided and they were very delicious! We had our own private beach and pool, as well as a sand volleyball court for some recreation. All day Sunday was spent soaking up the Costa Rican sun. Luckily I avoided getting burned! While at the beach we passed the football and frisbee, played volleyball, swam and relaxed. It was exactly how I had pictured Costa Rica in my mind. Nights were spent relaxing with the many friends I had made on the trip. On Monday morning, it was a little sad to leave because it was a great final trip and made me realize the end of my Costa Rican Study Abroad stay was near.

On the way back to San Jose we stopped again in Puerto Viejo for a 2 hour shopping/lunch break. Myself and 3 other friends decided to rent mopeds for and hour. We used them mostly as a joy ride around the town but were also able to get some shopping and lunch done. I was definately not experienced in driving the vehicle but quickly got accustomed to driving it and ended up having an amazing time! After turning in our mopeds and getting some ice cream, it was back onto the bus for the 4 hour ride back to San Jose.

We arrived around 4:30 pm safely. Pictures of this trip are soon to follow.

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